The 51st Engineers

The 51st Engineers
The Pioneer Army Engineer Brigade of the Philippines

Monday, April 6, 2009

51E Medical Unit Participates in the Mindanao Medical Mission, SIndangan, Zamboanga del Norte

Gazzette Magazine To Be Released this Month

The 51st Engineers Commemmorates Holy Week

Sunday, March 22, 2009

51st Engineers: Risking Lives in the Performance of Philippine Army's Developmental Role

The soldier-builders of the 51st Engineer Brigade are the true epitome of what Army Engineers should be. They risk their lives in the performance of the Hpilippine Army's developmental role. They symbolize the new breed of soldiers that respond to the new approach in the ARmy's counter insurgency campaign.
The past 42 years have witnessed the soldier-builders playing a big part in the most momentous episodes in the COmmand's history. The numerous successes achieved by the Birgade are products if the Officers, men and women's unique discipline, training, preseverance and shared conviction for the service. A commendation is in order for the toils and sacrifices that they have invested in making each effort of the brigade in carrying out the Army COmmand.s national security and developmental objectives as crowning achievement.
These soldier-builders have performed efficiently, quietly and courageously even if they have to brave the hails of bullets, inclemnt weather, unfavorable terrain and unbearble loneliness just to fulfill their mandated mission. Their valuable contribution augur wull to the government's total effort in bringing peace and development in the unit's are of operations as they help uplift living condition of the populace and enhance the latter's socio-economic activities.
The 51st Engineer Brigade's corps of personnel, determined as ever have never lose sight of their primary mission by providing engineer support to Army reoops as well, for them to responsively accomplish their tasks.
As frotnliners in showing the Philippine Army's developmental role, the 51st Engineer Brigade's soldier-builders must remain vigilant for the cause of peace and development.


An Epitome of Military Professionalism
by: Mrs Lydia V Cabajar

The 51st Enginer Brigade is very fortunate to have among its fold an Army Engineer who have had reached the top floor of Army and AFP leadership...GEN RIGOBERTO J ATIENZA

This officer had so much positive and sterling attributes that reading his summary of achievements and contributions in the Armed Forces of the Philippines will leave one into wiching that may his tribe increase.

Born on January 4, 1911 in Manila to Buenaventura Atienza and Ponciana Joaquin, the young Rigoberto showed brilliance of his mind when he graduated valedictorian at the Manila Suth High School in 1929.

He was a holder of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering degree from the University of the Philippines in 1934. He was the first engineering student to the new editor of UP's official student organization, the Philippie Collegian.

As a practicing civili engineer with the Barredo COnstruction Company in 1934, he was one of those responsible for the consturction and installation f the water tank located in fromt of Gate 1 of then Camp Murphy (so called Camp Gen Emilio Aguinalso at present) in Quezon City and the Ayala Bridge in Manila.

Again, Gen Atienza displayed his gift of intelligence when he topped his class at the REserve Officer Service School in Baguio when he entered the military profession in 1936

his sitnt with the 41st Engineer Battalion, 41st Divison, Philippine Amry, as its COmmanding Officer, left a long lasting impression on him as a leader. He was cited for his greatest value as the diviosn engineer.

As expected, on July 13, 1965, Gen Atienza was appointed Chief of Staff of the HPilippines where he was laid down his five guiding principles of leadership anf management:
- humanness and fairness
- maximum efficiency at minimum cost
- valid standard of performance
- continuity of effort
- abiding by our country, on people and in God

He also became Senior Military Adviser of th elate Pres Marcos upon his retirement from the active service due to ill health. The General rendered his final salute and joined his Creator on October 3,1966

Friday, March 20, 2009

Testimonial Parade for PMA "Masikap" Class 1977

This unit has successfully conducted a testimonial parade for the Promotees and Retirees of the Philippine Military Academy "Masikap" Class of 1977 on 19 March 2009. The said activity underwent serious series of hectic practice skeds two days in a row. With the leadership of the Troop Commander, MAJOR CORPUZ (CE) PA, the Commandant of the Brigade Training Unit, the rehearsals went tough under the heat of the sun and the pressures of slight rainfalls and air pollution.